Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood Transfusion
I would like to look at some of the verses that are used to prove that blood transfusions are against God’s will. The first verse is Genesis 9:4. The thing to note is that this verse is talking about eating animal blood not human blood. The second passage is Leviticus 7:26,27. Also, this passage talks about the eating of animal blood, not blood transfusions. The same can be said of these passages Deuteronomy 12:23-25; 15:23; 1 Samuel 14:31-35 and Ezekiel 33:25.
Now regarding Leviticus 11:4-8,13; 17:15; Deuteronomy 23:12-13, these verses no longer have any application for us today. Acts 10:9-16 give us the reason why. What is the reason given here Acts 10:9-16 Jehovah’s Witnesses friend?
Now, the abstaining from blood in Acts 15:20,29 was given to the Gentiles so as not to offend the Jewish brothers or weaker brothers in Acts 15:5, Romans chapter 14 and 1 Corinthians chapter 8. Also, please take not that Acts 15:9,11 make it very clear that salvation is solely dependent on God’s grace. Is there another means or way one can be saved according to Acts chapter 15? Does it discuss the loss of salvation in this Chapter 15? Does this chapter make salvation dependent on whether one abstains or not abstains from blood?
It has been mentioned that blood transfusions are the same thing as intravenous feeding. This cannot be true because the blood does not function as food. As one person said, “When one gives a blood transfusion, it is not a sacrifice of life, and the eating of forbidden blood, but a transference of life from one person to another, a gift of strength offered in a spirit of mercy and charity.” With all that has been mentioned in this letter, would you be willing to risk your life or the life of a one of your family members on the Watchtowers misguided interpretation on this issue?
Now regarding Leviticus 11:4-8,13; 17:15; Deuteronomy 23:12-13, these verses no longer have any application for us today. Acts 10:9-16 give us the reason why. What is the reason given here Acts 10:9-16 Jehovah’s Witnesses friend?
Now, the abstaining from blood in Acts 15:20,29 was given to the Gentiles so as not to offend the Jewish brothers or weaker brothers in Acts 15:5, Romans chapter 14 and 1 Corinthians chapter 8. Also, please take not that Acts 15:9,11 make it very clear that salvation is solely dependent on God’s grace. Is there another means or way one can be saved according to Acts chapter 15? Does it discuss the loss of salvation in this Chapter 15? Does this chapter make salvation dependent on whether one abstains or not abstains from blood?
It has been mentioned that blood transfusions are the same thing as intravenous feeding. This cannot be true because the blood does not function as food. As one person said, “When one gives a blood transfusion, it is not a sacrifice of life, and the eating of forbidden blood, but a transference of life from one person to another, a gift of strength offered in a spirit of mercy and charity.” With all that has been mentioned in this letter, would you be willing to risk your life or the life of a one of your family members on the Watchtowers misguided interpretation on this issue?